Intellectual Capital and Assets Dynamics

Value creation is increasingly based on leveraging intangibles, but firms lack knowledge and skills on identifying, measuring and managing their intellectual capital. Also the existing academic literature on knowledge-based value creation seems to have concentrated on either IC stocks of firms or their management mechanisms (cf. Kianto et al. 2013). To produce a more complete picture of the tenets of organizational performance in the knowledge economy, this track examines both issues: IC stocks and knowledge management practices.

The topics of papers could be e.g.:

  • What are the key elements of the companies IC in particular national and regional contexts?
  • What are the key mechanisms used to manage IC, i.e. KM practices, in particular national and organizational context
  • What are best practices in the management of IC?
  • How do IC and its management impact various aspects of value creation, e.g. innovation, financial performance, customer value?
  • How can innovation related and/or value inducing IC be identified and measured?
  • How do different business environments and firm-specific contingencies impact the relationship between IC and value creation?
  • How can IC be measured in different context?


Track Chairs

Aino Kianto
Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland


Agneita Pretorius
Tswane University of Technology, South Africa