Soft Skills Empowerment: Closing a Gap in the Knowledge Economy Agenda

Soft skills need to be empowered throughout business and society. They are an essential element of the knowledge economy, even though there was never enough emphasis on them. At a time when society turns towards one very mighty new element, which is artificial intelligence, both academicians and practitioners need to (re)focus: Embedding all facets of soft skills into interpersonal and inter-organizational relations and procedures is becoming a competitive edge for firms, public authorities and individuals. An exchange of ideas on this and on how to teach the phenomenon is at the center of this track.

The track asks for contributions along the following lines:

  • Cognition – knowledge – skills: Depicting a manifold phenomenon
  • Cultural diversities in developing and applying soft skills
  • Soft skills and the labor market
  • Soft skills and business processes
  • Soft skills in academia, science and politics

The track seeks to offer a well balanced mix of papers, case studies and round tables. Educators, students, business owners/executives and government officials are invited to submit.


Track Chair


Roland Bardy
Goizueta Business School Atlanta / Florida Gulf Coast University, USA