_Submission of Abstracts
We welcome long abstract of about 1500 words. These abstracts should contain information about the following items. Setting, Purpose, Theoretical Base, Methodology, Data, Conclusions, Implications and Limitations.
Abstracts are submitted using the TAKE 2022 account in Easychair
Submission of abstracts is opened until February 14th 2022
_Submission of Papers
Accepted papers should be submitted by May 1st 2022..
Accepted papers should obey to the following set of rules:
- _For full papers, between 5000 and 8000 words
- _For Working papers and the Doctoral Workshop papers should have between 3000 and 4000 words length
- For Posters 1500 long abstracts reviewed are enough
- _Use single-space, and Arial 12 point font
_Use margins (left, right, top and bottom) of 2.5cm
_ Justify each paragraph fully
_Begin with an Arial 14 point font title
_Follow up with a short 200 words abstract
_Indicate up to 5 keywords
_Do not use more than three levels of heading and use the numbering convention: 1 Heading 1.1 Heading 1.1.1 Heading
_Italic is accepted as well as bulleted or numbered lists
_Figures and tables should be placed as close to their reference point in the text as possible; all figures and tables must have titles and must be referenced from within the text
_Avoid color diagrams as the proceedings will be printed in black and white
_Images must be inserted as picture files (.gif, .jpg, .bmp, .pct, .png, .psd); you may be asked to supply the pictures as separate files
_Please avoid the use of footnotes
_References should follow the APA referencing style
Important dates
Online Registration opens: November 1st 2021.
Submission of Abstracts: February 14th 2022
Decision on Abstracts: October: February 28th 2022
Submission of Papers and last Call Abstracts: May 1st 2022
Comments on papers sent to authors: May 8th 2022
Final version of papers due: june 1st 2022
Early bird registration deadline: June 8st 2022
Final date for normal registration deadline: June 22th 2022.
Conference Days – July 6th – 8th 2022
Publishing opportunities
_Before the Conference
Book of Abstracts, Private Distribution and Conference Proceedings
TAKE offers different opportunities to publish accepted and presented conference abstracts or papers:
_All abstracts will be included in the Book of Abstracts
_All papers will be privately distributed among conference participants
_Conference Proceedings with ISBN will be published. Authors can choose to have their paper included in the proceedings. The Proceedings will be submitted for indexation in SCOPUS and Publons Web of Science
_Supporting journals (see below) may consider conference papers for publication
_Selected papers need to be extended and adapted according to the journal’s requirements
_After the Conference
Supporting Journals
The TAKE conference will be supported by the following academic journals which may consider adapted conference papers for publication:
_International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development
“IJKBD serves as a multi-disciplinary platform with a systems approach to the theory and practice of knowledge-based development activities and processes, focusing on knowledge cities and societies, knowledge-based urban development, knowledge and innovation clusters, and knowledge-intensive service activities”
_European Journal of Training and Development
“The journal aims to provide all those involved in research and practice in training with ideas, news, research findings, case examples and discussion on training and development. The journal focuses primarily on activity in Europe, although draws on insights from the rest of the world where they are seen to make an appropriate contribution”
_Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy
“Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy provides relevant theoretical frameworks and the latest research on management and economics challenges in the context of the emergent knowledge economy”
_Business Excellence Journal
“Business Excellence (Poslovna izvrsnost) is scientific journal covering all aspects of quality and business excellence. It is periodical published by Croatian Institute for Quality in Zagreb, Croatia in cooperation with Znanstvena knjiga, d.o.o. and Department of Trade at Faculty of Economics and Bsiness Zagreb”
_Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review (EBER)
“Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review (EBER), as multi-disciplinary and multi-contextual journal, is dedicated to serve as a broad and unified platform for revealing and spreading economics and management research focused on entrepreneurship, individual entrepreneurs as well as particular entrepreneurial aspects of business. It attempts to link theory and practice in different sections of economics and management”
_Journal of Knowledge Management Application and Practice
“This journal presents peer reviewed research articles and case studies to academics, practitioners, researchers, and policy makers concerned with advances in the field of Knowledge Management, its philosophy, practice, application, implementation and development. By challenging existing current assumptions and status quo, the journal seeks to stimulate, promote and shape the future of KM. The focus of the journal is on innovative advances in KM strategies and the application of theoretical concepts”
_International Journal of HRD Practice, Policy & Research
_Business Insight
_Economics and Business Review
_Gestão e Sociedade
_Handel Wewnętrzny